
What does it feel like to be happy? To smile from the heart and the eyes? To not fear the darkness To only see it as a shadow- behind you where it belongs To no longer live a life Filled with lies. What does it feel like to be amongst sunshine and dandelions? Does it make your heart happy and light? Does it? Does it take away all the pain and just like rain… Wash away all your tears and do you finally say, ‘ I am fine’? They said it was easy When you are happy, to not have a care in the world I think they lied They should not dabble with ‘make beliefs’ Because each day a part of me dies Time flies With each sunrise and sunset A ray of light stops shining And I take a step back A step back to where nothing grows My heart stops pining My emptiness attract Just like the river, loneliness flows Darkness My heart You can see It in my eyes Loneliness lives Breathes I can never be free