
Showing posts from January, 2016

I have a LIFE and for that i am grateful

This post is more of a reflection of my year 2015! I often try and steer clear from saying, "I am alive and for that i am grateful", mainly because being 'alive' does not equate to "life" for me.  For me, Life is more than just breathing in and out, working and making ends meet but its about living and loving MY life intentionally and with a purpose.  On a daily basis before i sleep- i often reflect on my day, on my actions and ask myself the following three things: 1. Did i do my best? 2. Was i being kind? 3. Did i love enough? These three things were my mantra and daily intentional reminders/questions especially during my separation and divorce few years ago. I didn't want a life spent on hating, regretting and taking out my anger, sadness and frustration on others let alone on myself.  For me to survive and truly be at peace and be in love (with the self first and others second), meant i had to intentionally do these th