My dearest Fred

"Tears are words that need to be written." -Paulo Coelho My dearest NLB They say that time will bring healing That these wounds will become scars That with time Grief becomes happiness Pain becomes strength I wish it was easier to accept But time did not bring healing ~pain remains ~grief is ever so present ~while pain is just that - pain I am still angry at the world I am angry I, on many occasions, imagine, imagine, what you would be doing now would you still be flying with the birds? I imagine our conversations would it still be the same? would we still have a lot in common? would we still view the world the same way? I am angry I am selfish because your passing was sudden I find it hard to accept I am angry That you were not able to see the world I am angry that we didn't get to witness more of each others happiness and sorrows I am angry that you are not here ...