I’m not a lesbian, my girlfriend is!
(p.s: this is my personal rant about my ‘hit & miss’ with my sexuality and attractions)
Aaahhh!!! What have I done?! I have opened Pandora’s
box and would definitely get some reactions to this statement alone and would
also receive (unwanted) comments, but this is the truth- I’m not a lesbian but
my girlfriend is.
To even explain this to the many who have questioned
my sexuality and attraction has become an energy draining, time consuming,
quite frustrating and irritating moment(s).
I have found myself in a “head nodding” game (to see how many times I nod when I
disagree with an opinion without going all kung fu panda with them).
This is often done with a smile (and a tonne of
patience) of trying to understand the other person’s perspectives and simply
listening (and slowly zoning out) to their explanation on my sexuality and
‘what I am’, ‘how it will be’ and it’s ‘just a phase’.
Don’t get me started to even talk about my attractions
and connections to beautiful souls, beautiful human beings (I have endless
supply of words and emotions attached to this topic alone).
But anyways, I try and talk about the nature of my attractions
and sexuality (which often is a mouthful to many).
Like for example, stating in one breath that I am a “Demisexual”,
“Sapiosexual”, and “No I am not a lesbian but in a relationship with one” and “No
I am not bisexual”, “I am more fluid” – I am a transient being, causes all
sorts of unwanted opinions, stares & glares and questions.
I only wish I was questioned and labelled in this
manner when I was in relationships with the opposite sex. I perhaps might have made some wise decisions
and saved time and money (but that’s not the point I am trying to make here).
Sexuality is fluid (if you didn’t know- now you
know)…many are on the extreme ends (or so they think), on one end are the
heterosexuals and the other are the homosexuals and in between are people like
me…I honestly feel and believe that we are transient beings, I only wish others
thought so and simply stopped with telling me what’s right and what’s not,
what’s appropriate and so on…you get the gist right?
Well anyways, back to my “I'm not a lesbian but my
girlfriend is” has made me rethink this whole notion of relationships and sexuality.
I have found myself redefining, rewriting and reshaping my norm.

So till then I am a proud magical colourful transient being and
my girlfriend is a lesbian :-)
Never let another tell you how you should live your life. Our differences is what makes this world intresting. Be free, fly high....dragonFly :)