
I initially started off with a long post, but then I ended up not saving my draft. I suppose it's a good thing.

Thank you to the many individuals who have been part of my journey. Thankyou for all your love, support, patience and prayers.

I am on recovery mode still. Had a 5 hour surgery requiring 3 bags of blood transfusion on the 15th December. Unlike many healthy people, my hemoglobin (Or as a dearest friend would say...' your hemo-goblin') count was on the low side.

I had atleast 5 surgical procedures done during the 5 hours I was in theatre. All my tests came out clear and cancer free, which was amazing news!
Endo (and Adenomyosis) were such pests that they had taken over my uterus, fallopian tubes,  ovaries, bowels,  ureter, bladder and was slowly reaching out to my kidney. I also found out from my doctor that my uterus weighed 8 times more than an average uterus which is around 80grams. So yes mine weighed around 680grms (>), ohhh and I am now somewhere between the perimenopausal - postmenopausal stage post surgery. 

As the doctor explained to me, I was lucky to have had my operation in New Zealand because if I had it done in Fiji then I would have had severe damages done to my bladder, bowel and ureter/kidney.

My heart goes out to the many women who do not have the same opportunities as me, hence my strong advocacy around access to quality health care for all, especially women.

Endometriosis is a common disease, but because it's a 'women's disease' not alot of resources  are invested in this field. I mean, think about the number of big pharmaceutical companies , sanitary companies and our private health care system, who benefit from this disease. I spend at least, on average $500 per month on painkillers, hospital visits, clinics and sanitary items. Mind you, that's on a good day. I have days where that number is doubled because the doctor feels the need to put me through further tests to determine what I already know.

Yes, we have to start challenging our dysfunctional health system.

During my time here, I have received immense love and support. I am so overwhelmed  (in a good way).
Thank you to everyone for your calls, messages, emails, visits, prayers, love, hugs and kisses. I am sorry that I can't send you all individual messages.

I give thanks to my loved ones especially those who have been by my side through it all.
Words can't fully describe how I feel.
I am forever indebted to my two special humans who have not left my side and are responsible for the constant laughs(mum and Tavs) and thankyou  to the special souls in my life especially micheeeeeeeeeee,my oldie & besties, my family, friends and colleagues.

I give thanks to my family and friends who are here. I give thanks to my dearest family who made sure I didn't miss home, I give thanks to my cousins for the hugs and kisses and ohhh the love.

Thank you to my Aunty Imsy, Uncle John, Vaughan and not forgetting the Cundi and Webster family.

Thank you to my Fua, Fufa,  Dipti, Neelesh,  Ravi and my gorgeous bubba Abhi.

Thankyou to Lulu,  Molly, Sangee for all your love. My stitches will just open ga if I am around you gang more...hehehehe

Thank you Siti for the love and laughs.
Thank you Rohitesh for the love and my murkus. It made me feel better especially after my self administered morphine intakes.

I am forever grateful and thankful.

Merry Christmas to you all. Thank you for all your love and support.
I am and have been truly blessed.

Having said this, I also think of the loved ones we have lost along the way. I give thanks to life and love. May we hold on to memories of loved ones and let's continue to surround ourselves with love, kindness, patience and prayers.

Love from me


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