Its all in the head they say

"and here you are living, despite it all" - Rupi Kaur

“About a third of my cases are suffering from no clinically definable neurosis, but from the senselessness and emptiness of their lives. This can be defined as the general neurosis of our times.” ― C.G. Jung

When was the last time you checked on a friend or a family member to see if he/she/they were doing ok? 

I am aware that the more i get in touch with friends or family the more i realise that we are all struggling with our sadness and depression alone. 

I have come to realise that we are surrounded by many sad individuals than happy ones. 
At least 4 out of 5 people i know, are sad and depressed.

In this week alone, i have been told how they are struggling to just live. I also am aware that i am struggling with energies and auras. 

Many might be thinking that all i write about is the 'sad sappy sook' stuff. Why am i not writing about the 'happy stuff' ?! Well the truth is that we all know how to be happy. Its pretty simple (though i think maintaining happiness does require a hell lot of work), but getting out of sadness and depression is way more difficult. 

So by talking about it more openly and talking about strategies in dealing with this may help one or two people out there reading this.

Unlike most individuals, i absorb energy. I 'feel' a great deal. So when i come across people, whether we talk or just in passing- i am absorbing away (their energies and negative vibes/auras). Each day everyday i am drained. I have nothing left to give myself. No love, no love to give myself. It gets harder and harder. 

At one point in time, i was better able to deal with emotions and energies. I was able to surround myself with my protection shield or bubble as i would like to call it, but now everything penetrates through whatever shield i have put up. 

I have gone back to doing abit more meditation (has helped actually) and now reading more about chakras so that all my seven chakras are somewhat spinning in the right direction. (if you want to understand chakras abit more, here is an easy read: )

But back to talking about depression and sadness. I don't know about you all, but i have noticed, increasing number of people who are in this state. 

Many are now relying on 'temporary feel good stuff' and this ranges from alcohol, drugs, self harming tactics, constant shopping, binge eating and my goodness the list goes on. No one is really talking about 'i am fucken struggling', i need help. Though i know and am fully aware, that talking about our mental state is often 'shunned' upon and people give you the looks once you try and flag your 'feelings' and 'behaviour'.
Its definitely not an easy thing to do, you talk about our mental health and wellbeing.
 I wish it was though. But one must try and attempt to do so...right?

Its hard to really be open about our own vulnerabilities i guess. 
But we have to start somehow, we have to try at least. 

We don't have a lot of qualified/well trained counsellors, psychologists, psychiatrists and people who deal with our heads who are easily accessible and available in our country. Its sad though considering the really alarming rate of people with mental health issues and vulnerabilities. 

Who do we go to when life just gets a bit too much? 
(this by no means is an exhaustive list)

  • a trusted person (who can actually help and not make you feel worse)
  • St. Giles; Empower Pacific; Sukuna Ward; House of Sarah
  • there are some private practitioners out there too (yellow pages is a good source or networks)
  • Church (there are some good counsellors/pastors who provide/offer these services)

What can we do when life gets too much?

  • write/draw/paint/make stuff
  • meditate or Pray
  • time out (have a time limit and a goal- think about positive things and also let go of the negative)
  • dance and sing out loud (or not)
  • cook yummy delicious food/baking
  • just clean up around your home/space (it allows you to de-stress but in a way you are de-cluttering all the the mental block)
  • call a friend/ family and chat (even better if you can physically meet your friend(s) or family member)
  • Do whats good for your soul (go to the market, do some gardening, walk and do some breathing exercises. 
  • Stop focusing on whats not working and slowly move that frame of mind to 'whats working' and 'what can be done about it'
  • Stay away from Social Media (that thing is harmful- it really is)
  • Stay away from people with bad jujus/bad vibes (how to spot these kind of people, easy- all they do is complain and complain and can't take baby steps to that positive change/making healthy decisions to improve their own lives. Also they like to gossip and say nasty stuff about others)
  • Positive affirmations ( i was reminded of this last week- it works wonders)
  • Run (not away from your problems :-) though sometimes that might be ideal) but run around your neighbourhood, or the seawalls or somewhere you see ground. 
  • Try putting yourself first (especially in cases where you are always thinking of others first)- treat yourself, go for a massage or do something that you have always been wanting to do. 

Having said all of this, just switching off all our electronic devices does make a huge difference. 

We do live in a world where it is 'empty' and we are all filled with some form of 'loneliness'. 

We need to somehow bring back some of our old ways of life/living. Organise the weekly dinners and get-togethers and i am not talking about the weekly movie or drinking sessions. 
No, we need to revive the physical face to face catch ups (with us all conversing with one another) and physically sharing a meal or even preparing that meal together and done so with 'our people', 'our tribe'. 

Lets chat with our neighbours, and if you are like me, then chatting with animals is fine too (i just talk a lot to my feline babies and say hello to the 'human neighbours'). Lets spend more quality time with real people, than those who are sitting behind screens and gadgets. 

Let's share positive affirmations, to ourselves/with ourselves but also to others around us. 
Let's remind ourselves to be kinder to ourselves. 
Let's love ourselves abit more and a bit harder. 
Let's all recognise our own negativity and vibe we bring into the room. 
Let's all be more mindful, intentional and aware. 

(photo credit: )

“I have for many years endeavored to make this vital truth clear; and still people marvel when I tell them that I am happy. They imagine that my limitations weigh heavily upon my spirit, and chain me to the rock of despair. Yet, it seems to me, happiness has very little to do with the senses. If we make up our minds that this is a drab and purposeless universe, it will be that, and nothing else. On the other hand, if we believe that the earth is ours, and that the sun and moon hang in the sky for our delight, there will be joy upon the hills and gladness in the fields because the Artist in our souls glorifies creation. Surely, it gives dignity to life to believe that we are born into this world for noble ends, and that we have a higher destiny than can be accomplished within the narrow limits of this physical life.” ~ Helen Keller


  1. Love your piece! Very Positive and true. Reminds me of the good old days before my Dad passed away three years ago, we would sit in at every meal and no one is allowed to answer or use their phone lol (esp when u have a hot date waiting on the road) we were a family.... sadly when he passed , everything just fell apart in our family and we started to just drift apart. 😢😢I miss my family ...esp my Dad ...He was the only man I could trust in my life... but God willing one day rest of my family will come back together and relive those moments again.

    1. Thank you Filly. I hope you are well. I am sorry to hear of your dads passing. I hope you can hold on to the memories and slowly once you have healed can perhaps work towards being a family again. Sometimes we need things to fall apart for things to be stronger together...if you know what i mean. I am wishing you well and sending you love. Sorry for my late reply. You take care and lolomas. x


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