To the “other women”…

The many “other women” who now have become part of who I am. This post is dedicated to you!

(* I always have been someone who would pour my heart, soul and tears onto paper as the ink in my pen articulates my feelings into words. Most of my writings have not been as direct, but this one is dedicated to the ‘other women’. I have gone through many “other women” to the point that I no longer consider them as the “other” but as just another woman who has a soul and has loved, and people like me got hurt in the process…such is life and for the experiences I had gone through has made me…me)

“…When the ‘other’ is no longer the ‘other’, and its you who has now become the ‘other’, and the ‘other’ has become the one…”

I have wondered and wandered. Yes I have…I ask myself why do people fall out of love, why do people not make it work- has our world become so ‘lazy’ and simply ‘comfortable’ that we no longer give a damn to what truly matters? I also ask myself why is it when things are not working (for whatever reason it may be), why do people cheat and look for the “other”. I think cheating is the easier way out but it is so consuming of heart, soul and energy.

I have gone through the many “other women” that I simply didn’t understand why…why is it that most of my life experiences have come through these women. You see, I will speak specifically about the ‘other women’ because I have not really been in a situation where there was the ‘other man/men’.  I have loved, my girlfriends loved, the women in my family loved, that girl down the road loved, the women that I worked with had loved…my list is endless- one thing we share is the story of the ‘other women’. It took me a while to understand and see things from the ‘other women’s’ perspective. Though I don’t agree with how things are done etc, but who am I to judge or suggest the right way?

I used to be filled with so much anger and didn’t understand why would some humans just be so inconsiderate, unkind, unpleasant, plain evil in wanting to destroy a relationship that simply needed some patience, some extra love, some healing, some attention, some kindness, some hugs and alone time, some magic and passion- it simply needed commitment, rediscovering of each other/the self and love and required that extra work. But I know that things happen for a reason- I know that, I accept that. I also know that when things are not working out (for whatever reason), it is important to let go- and let go you should!

So I want to say to the many ‘other women’, I think I understand the love/lust you were seeking- in my eyes it may have been in the wrong place, but love/lust is love/lust and when it touches your heart you will allow it to guide you. Who am I to say otherwise, who am I to say that ‘love’ or ‘lust’ is/should be a particular way because love & lust has no common ‘definition’- you simply feel it right. To the ‘other women’, I understand you- though you don’t need any assurance or approval from me (you never did), I just am blessed to know, that life does take us on all these journeys and if its hurting then it’s a reality check for the soul and its preparing us for more adventures that life has to offer. Being the ‘other women’ can be ‘soul-breaking’ and energy draining but whatever it may have been, you found, I hope you get to keep and nurture; and I know what I found in you- It has molded me and added sparkles into my sun-kissed life!

So thank you to the many ‘other women’ who have taught me so much and inspired me to be a better person. I think my respect for self and for others comes as a result of the many ‘other women’. These many ‘other women’ have no longer become ‘the other’ but have now become intertwined into my life and my stories as I weave my own web of a beautiful life.


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