The Journey of this soulful wandering dragonfly monk...

The Journey of this soulful wandering dragonfly monk...

She knew exactly how she got there,
All those tears and laughter did not go to waste.
She looked back and smiled...
She had created a rainbow.

She quickly wanders around this space of silence and enjoys who she has become.
Not because of what she has achieved (though important nonetheless), she is forever grateful for those tears that she shed for the loss of the love...the love she had for herself.
It was those moments that truly redefined her being.
She had cheated; yes she cheated herself on becoming someone she hardly knew.

Along this journey, she met many soulful humans.  Humans, when they walked, walked to their own tunes, when they danced, you know they became one with the drum beats and the strumming of the guitar.

She also met those humans, who were lost,
She cared for them but could not really be of any help,
Because she felt that one needs to wander or get lost in order to find oneself again.
Those moments were tough...but she didn’t want to challenge the magical powers of the universe.

Her heart always went out to those who hurt her. Those who wanted to remove the ‘sparkles’ from her eyes, and the sunshine from her smile.
Being hurt never bothered her though. She knew these humans only needed abit of heaven from her and sometimes when they take too much, and keep on taking a slice of heaven, they can’t stop. They end up leaving her (for her to pick up the pieces) thinking that abit of heaven is readily available. They forget that it’s all within us.

She kisses her wounds, touches her heart, tends to the bruises and allows love and peace to heal her. She is whole again while people who thought have hurt her are only hurting and need to be filled with compassion, peace and love for themselves.

As she wanders on this earth, her anklets leaving behind musical traces of hope, she continues to be inspired by all these living soulful beings. She feels everything, tastes the rain, she feels the dampness of the dew drops with the blood that runs through her veins, and she feels the coolness of the wind becoming one with the pores of her skin.

She has grown into a being of ‘peace’, a lover of love and dancer of life, she breathes each day and at the end of the Rainbow...she found herself.


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