If I had to write a letter to the ‘one that got away’, it would read like this…

If I had to write a letter to the ‘one that got away’, it would read like this…

My dearest NLB,

I will not ask God to turn back time because I don’t want to rewrite what has been written.
I want to only ask for more time with you- just so that we can keep our promises to each other.

I want more time with you so that we can create new memories of ‘us’ and spend our holidays and birthdays with each other.

I am paying the price for my choices and I feel that we both lost, because you paid the price too.

You told me how much I meant to you, I smiled with tears in my eyes and walked away- I thought time was our friend and that’s all you and I needed. I made a life changing mistake!

I know I took the path, which you would never want for me. I put you through hell and brought you down to your knees with tears (your words…remember).
I cried … and I knew I was wrong, but…please forgive me for what I did…

We talked about our future, we talked about what it would be like, we talked about our happiness and us and I am sorry for not always being there for you like how you were there for me.

You remember that night, that night that we slowly danced to music that only you and I could hear? We held each other, like we knew, that we were never going to be in each others arms again…who would have known, that our lives were written.

I never planned on losing you, time kept on colliding, though, our music continued to play – you heard it and so did I.

I made the mistake of not being your gal; I made the mistake of thinking that I was ‘the one that got away’. I was too stubborn and in return you were really the ‘one that got away’ ...

In another life, I will make you stay and I wont have these tears in my eyes and wont have to say that you were the one that got away…

I will make sure that we are flying together, tell you how much you mean to me, hold you in my arms like you did me, and tell you that I love you.

Take me in your loving arms and know that we will no longer let go of each other.  You always knew from the beginning how you felt, it just took me some time to realise. I am sorry but I see it all now…can we start all over again? Can we ask God to not rewrite what has been written but just give us another life…

With love always
Your NLB


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