
I initially started off with a long post, but then I ended up not saving my draft. I suppose it's a good thing. Thank you to the many individuals who have been part of my journey. Thankyou for all your love, support, patience and prayers. I am on recovery mode still. Had a 5 hour surgery requiring 3 bags of blood transfusion on the 15th December. Unlike many healthy people, my hemoglobin (Or as a dearest friend would say...' your hemo-goblin') count was on the low side. I had atleast 5 surgical procedures done during the 5 hours I was in theatre. All my tests came out clear and cancer free, which was amazing news! Endo (and Adenomyosis) were such pests that they had taken over my uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, bowels, ureter, bladder and was slowly reaching out to my kidney. I also found out from my doctor that my uterus weighed 8 times more than an average uterus which is around 80grams. So yes mine weighed around 680grms (>), ohhh and I am now somewhere betwee...